
Public Alpha

Bhéwonom is being released three chapters at a time. I'd be very interested to know what you think about them, and the ongoing book as a whole, as they appear. Warning: you will need to have read Dheghōm and Erwā first.


Matters 1-5:
Matter 1: Catalogue of a Small but Valuable Collection
Matter 2: Marvell’s Spectral Walking
Matter 3: Wooden Koi Carp
Matter 4: The Hallowe’en Ghost
Matter 5: An Accord

Matters 6-10:
Matter 6: Letter of Apology
Matter 7: Document of Terminology
Matter 8: Saved
Matter 9: The Girl with the Spider Tattoos
Matter 10: Letter of Provenance

Matters 11-15:
Matter 11: No Philosopher’s Stone
Matter 12: Butterflies
Matter 13: The April 1st Ghost
Matter 14: Two Books
Matter 15: Experiment VA1

Matters 16-20:
Matter 16: Hamas Commander’s Luck Runs Out
Matter 17: Experiment VA2
Matter 18: Spiritwing 2
Matter 19: The Rule of Revereshow
Matter 20: The Elevator Incident

Matters 21-25:
Matter 21: Juliana Resurrected
Matter 22: The Waking Dead
Matter 23: EVE Not Evolved
Matter 24: Blue Disarmed
Matter 25: The Judgement of Love Ellis

Matters 26-30:
Matter 26: Past versus Present
Matter 27: The Judgement of Laura Thorndyke
Matter 28: Suicide is Painful
Matter 29: Platt Fields Park
Matter 30: Brigitte by the Stream

Matters 31-35:
Matter 31: The Luckiest Man in the World
Matter 32: Undisclosed Location
Matter 33: Camping in Glencoe
Matter 34: Gig
Matter 35: The Ignorance of Generation Z

Matters 36-40:
Matter 36: White Dead Rooks
Matter 37: The Living Statue
Matter 38: Gracelet Reincarnated
Matter 39: Strange and Enigmatic
Matter 40: Male Charged in Connection with Murder

Matters 41-45:
Matter 41: Live-Action Role-Play
Matter 42: Walt Disney World
Matter 43: The Judgement of Clive Phillips
Matter 44: The Magic Girl
Matter 45: The Muses

Matters 46-50:
Matter 46: Miracle at Monte Albán
Matter 47: Important Notice
Matter 48: The George Eliot Prize for Poetry
Matter 49: The Judgement of Marjorie Laleek
Matter 50: Daemon

NotByUs is a publisher of genre-busting quality fiction, written by authors with repeated experience of being told by traditional publishers that their work is highly deserving of publication “but not by us”.