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11:02am on Wednesday, 22nd January, 2025:



I encountered an MP earlier this week at the university.

Colchester's MP is Prof. Pam Cox of the Department of Sociology and Criminology. I was walking to a lecture and went through a door she'd just used. She held it open for me. I said thanks and went through it myself.

This was in a stair well in the domain of the Law Department. I teach in a room there, because it's one of the few on campus that can seat 60+ students yet has flat tables. I don't know why Pam Cox MP was there, but presumably it wasn't because she was lost (students, on the other hand...).

She isn't my MP, by the way. I may live only 3 miles from the centre of Colchester, but the constituency my village is in goes out of its way to be not Colchester.

My brushes with the mighty continue.

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