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9:54am on Tuesday, 26th November, 2024:



I appear to have bought some more playing cards.

These were first manufactured in 1935, but were still being made 20 years later. Mine has an old-style cardboard box, though, rather than a plastic one, so is probably early, say 1935-1940.

The cards were manufactured by Müller & Son in Switzerland, and depict characters from the French court in the 17th century. Formally, they're "playing cards no. 244", but informally they're "Richelieu".

I don't normally buy playing cards this late, but I do have some earlier Müller & Son playing cards depicting Swiss costumes, and I liked the look of them so I put in a bid. No-one else did, meaning I got them very cheap (as in, the postage to Colchester from Eastbourne cost more).

The corner indeces are a little too intrusive for my liking, and there doesn't seem to be any need for the large suit indicator inside the portrait box. They're in excellent condition, though, including the gold corners, so overall I'm very pleased with them.

You can just about see the manufacturer's name on the Jack of Spades if you look in its lower-left aand top-right corners hard enough.

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