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12:28pm on Tuesday, 23rd April, 2024:



I write down all my appointments in a physical diary, so I don't have to try to synchronise the three or four online diaries that various organisations believe are the only one I should use. I do have the online diaries, I just don't see why I should tell the university what I'm doing during periods the university isn't paying me for my time.

While I was asleep last night, it occurred to me that I probably had a revision lecture soon. I knew I had two in April, but didn't recall seeing them in my diary. When I awoke, I checked my diary and there was nothing there about any revision lectures, so I checked online.

Hmm. Turns out there was one at 9am today.

Fortunately, I was able to get to the university in time to deliver the lecture, but it rather knocked my plans for the day out of whack.

All this happened because I wrote the revision lecture back in October, before I'd bought my 2024 diary.

My other revision is next week. That one now is in the diary.

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