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8:15am on Thursday, 21st November, 2024:

Annoyingly Simple


After explaining my convoluted solution to the annoying dreams I was getting, I was futher annoyed a couple of days later when I had another one. The mechanism I'd worked out to explain it wasn't what was going on at all.

It turns out that my programmer's interpretation to do with toggles and reboots was rather more bonkers than it seemed at the time. I was in fact getting the dreams by one of my usual three methods: waking up gave me the dream. We still had our summer duvet on, I was getting cold, I woke up and the dream came with it. The only difference to the norm was that I had the timing wrong and thought the dream was earlier than it was, so didn't connect it to waking up.

My guess is that the anaesthetic I had for the op threw my sleep-time timing off. It seems to have recovered now of its own accord, anyway. Also, we've put our winter duvet on now.

Yeah, OK, so sometimes I post things that are of no interest to anyone but me and legions of future biographers. Sprry about that.

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