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7:36am on Wednesday, 12th July, 2023:



I'm off to Tenerife today to sit on a panel tomorrow at a conference called "Culture and Videogames: European policy days on video games and virtual environments". Well, actually it's "Cultura y Videojuegos: Jornadas de políticas europeas sobre el videojuego y entornos virtuales", but there's simultaneous English/Spanish translation. The event is run by the EU, but that doesn't seem to be an obstacle to having non-EU speakers.

I wasn't given my flight times until Friday. This is normal for Spanish institutions: they almost always never manage to arrange flights until the last moment. Fortunately, this time I noticed that they'd done something else they often do, which is to fly me out from one airport and fly me back to another, meaning I can't drive there. Given that taking public transport back from Heathrow would have meant I'd have had to have caught the last train from London to Colchester, I wasn't pleased: any slight delay in the return flight and I'd have been stuffed. I therefore requested flights to and from the same airport.

As a result, I'm flying from Gatwick and arrive back at 23:45. The roads will be free of traffic for a drive home in the small hours, but that's when they do all the roadworks so I expect it'll take me longer.

Still, it's better than mooching around Liverpool Street station for five or six hours in the middle of the night.

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