
The everyday blog of Richard Bartle.

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2:29pm on Tuesday, 6th December, 2022:

Friend post


Facebook this morning:
friend post
friend post
friend post
ad for animal-shaped glasses holder
suggested for me
friend post
friend post
friend post
ad for animal-shaped LED lights
friend post
friend post
suggested for me
friend-of-a-friend tagged
ad for animal-shaped socks
friend tagged
friend post
friend post
suggested for me
ad for animal-shaped glasses holder
friend post
friend post
friend post
suggested for me
ad for votes-for-women socks
friend post
friend post (happy birthday)
suggested for me
friend post
ad for animal cartoon T-shirt
suggestion I join Swedish language film group
suggestion I join Second Life group
suggested for me
friend post
ad for USB LED glitterball-effect lights
friend post
suggested for me
friend post (happy birthday)
suggested for me
ad for Waitrose
suggestion I join Witcher fans group
suggestion I join nerds group
friend post
ad for animal-shaped mittens
friend post
friend post

What's interesting about this is that the ads changed when I scrolled back up through them. On the first pass, there were two ads for votes-for-women socks and six (yes, six) for animal-shaped LED lights.

This is what happens when you look something up on Amazon.

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Copyright © 2022 Richard Bartle (richard@mud.co.uk).