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10:41am on Sunday, 31st October, 2021:



One of the pieces of swag my daughter picked up from the pharmacy show she went to recently was a wooden puzzle cube. It consists of seven wooden pieces that can be fitted together to form a cube.

Although some such puzzle cubes can be quite difficult, that's not the case with this one.

There are several ways to do it, but one of them is something I haven't come across in a puzzle of this nature before. If you look at the pieces, four of them are shaped like an L. You can stack three of these on top of each other and use the remaining four pieces to build the rest of the cube.

This makes it even easier (albeit more likely to fall apart when you pick it up than it is otherwise).

Maybe the reason the puzzle is a doddle is because the company that gave it away is suggesting that its product is easy to use. That being the case, I shall consider buying all my automatic methodone delivery dispensers from them in future.

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