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1:10pm on Thursday, 2nd May, 2024:



We received an email from the CSEE School Office recently telling us that there was way too much mail backed up and they were going to chuck it out if we didn't collect it by some date in May. Because I was on campus for my CE217 lecture, I dutifully went in to see if there was anything for me.

There was. It was a package from the School of Journalism and Communication at Hong Kong. Inside were these envelopes:

I think they were probably sent in time for the Chinese New Year, so they've been waiting patiently for me to pick them up for several months. I would indeed have picked them up had someone told me I'd been sent them or that they'd arrived.

I've no idea why I was sent them, but they're quite nice so I'm sure I'll find a use for them.

The wording on the front translates as: (purple) "work hard", (orange) "dare to innovate", (pink) "a legacy of joy" and (yellow) "happy new year".

Nice try, envelopes, but I don't answer to your diktats no matter how pretty you are.

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