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9:49am on Friday, 3rd March, 2023:



While in the attic yesterday, I balanced my collection of Develop magazines on top of another box. Unfortunately, while I was up there, the 1970s speakers box the magazines were in gave way and the whole lot came tumbling out.

I did attempt to give away my collection a few years ago, but the people who said they wanted it did nothing beyond saying they wanted it, which is why it was all still in the attic.

Rather than put it all back, I decided I'd keep the articles that I'd marked with sticky notes and throw everything else away. A couple of issues were damaged in the fall, and it turned out that my "complete" collection had two issue 5s and no issue 4 (although that could have been because there was no issue 4). Half the issues are outside right now awaiting collection from the recycling people; the other half are in the garage ready to put out surreptitiously next time so it doesn't look as if I've been trying to save myself a trip to the recycling centre.

If I'd been standing under that lot when the box gave way, my tombstone would have read "HE DIED UNDERDEVELOPED".

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